Значение слова SHARP в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое SHARP

WILLIAM ("FIONA MACLEOD") (1856-1905).-Wrote under this pseudonym a remarkable series of Celtic tales, novels, and poems, including _Pharais, a Romance of the Isles_, _The Mountain Lovers_, _The Sin-Eater_ (1895), _The Washer of the Ford_, and _Green Fire_ (1896), _The Laughter of Peterkin_ (1897), _The Dominion of Dreams_ (1899), _The Divine Adventure_ (1900), _Drostan and Iseult_ (1902). He was one of the earliest and most gifted promoters of the Celtic revival. In verse are _From the Hills of Dream_, _Through the Ivory Gate_, and _The Immortal Hour_ (drama). Under his own name he wrote _Earth's Voices_, _Sospiri di Roma_, _Sospiri d'Italia_, poems, and books on Rossetti, Shelley, Browning, and Heine; also a few novels.

Литературная энциклопедия.