Значение слова SKELTON в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое SKELTON

1) JOHN (1460?-1529).-Poet, _b._ in Norfolk, and _ed._ at Oxf. and Camb., of both of which he was _cr._ Poet Laureate, and perhaps held the same office under the King. He was appointed tutor to Henry VIII., and notwithstanding his sharp tongue, enjoyed some favour at Court. In 1498 he entered the Church, and became Rector of Diss in his native county. Hitherto he seems to have produced some translations only, but about this time he appears to have struck upon the vein which he was to work with such vigour and popularity. He turned his attention to abuses in Church and State, which he lashed with caustic satire, conveyed in short doggerel rhyming lines peculiar to himself, in which jokes, slang, invectives, and Latin quotations rush out pell-mell. His best works in this line are _Why come ye not to Court?_ and _Colin Clout_, both directed against the clergy, and the former against Wolsey in particular. Piqued at his inconstancy (for S. had previously courted him) the Cardinal would have imprisoned him, had he not taken sanctuary in Westminster, where he remained until his death. Other works of his are _The Tunning_ (brewing) _of Elynor Rummynge_, a coarsely humorous picture of low life, and the tender and fanciful _Death of Philip Sparrow_, the lament of a young lady over her pet bird killed by a cat. 2) SKELTON, SIR JOHN (1831-1897).-Miscellaneous writer. _B._ in Edinburgh, _ed._ at the Univ. there, and called to the Scottish Bar 1854, he was Sec. and ultimately Chairman of the Local Government Board for Scotland. He wrote _Maitland of Lethington and the Scotland of Mary Stuart_ (1887), _The Crookit Meg_ (1880), and _The Table Talk of Shirley_. He contributed to _Fraser's_ and _Blackwood's Magazines_. He received the degree of LL.D. from Edin. 1878, and was made K.C.B. 1897.

Литературная энциклопедия.