Значение слова GREG в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое GREG

WILLIAM RATHBONE (1809-1881).-Essayist, _b._ in Manchester, and _ed._ at Bristol and Edin., was for some years engaged in his father's business as a millowner at Bury. Becoming deeply interested in political and social questions he contributed to reviews and magazines many papers and essays on these subjects, which were _repub._ in three collections, viz., _Essays on Political and Social Science_ (1854), _Literary and Social Judgments_ (1869), and _Miscellaneous Essays_ (1884). Other works of his are _Enigmas of Life_ (1872), _Rocks Ahead_ (1874), and _Mistaken Aims, etc._ (1876). In his writings he frequently manifested a distrust of democracy and a pessimistic view of the future of his country. He held successively the appointments of Commissioner of Customs and Controller of H.M. Stationery Office.

Литературная энциклопедия.