Значение слова JACOBS в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое JACOBS

1) JOSEPH (1854).-Writer on folk-lore and Jewish history. _English Fairy Tales_ (1890), _Celtic Fairy Tales_ (1891), _Indian Fairy Tales_ (1892), _Reynard the Fox_ (1895), _Jews of Angevin England_ (1893), _Sources of the History of the Jews in Spain_ (1895); has ed. various English classics, _e.g._, Caxton's "AEsop" and Howell's "Familiar Letters," and many modern works, etc. 2) JACOBS, WILLIAM WYMARK (1863).-Novelist. _Many Cargoes_ (1896), _The Skipper's Wooing_ (1897), _A Master of Craft_ (1900), _At Sunwich Port_ (1902), _Odd Craft_ (1903), _Dialstone Lane_ (1904), _Short Cruises_ (1907). Plays (with Louis N. Parker), _Beauty and the Barge_, _The Monkey's Paw_, etc.

Литературная энциклопедия.