Открытая православная энциклопедия "ДРЕВО".
Хибальд Барднейский (Hybald, Hibald, Higbald)(+ VII ), игумен , преподобный .
Память 14 декабря .
Cв. Беда Достопочтенный упоминает о Хибальде, как о человеке большой святости. Он похоронен в Хибальдстоу (Hibaldstow). Он упоминается в Эксетерском мартирологе XI века. Ему посвящены четыре храма в Линкольншире .
Тропарь, глас 4
Thou didst love Christ all thy life, O blessed one, / and longing to work for Him as a hermit / thou didst struggle by the pools and carrs of Lindsey with good works, prayer and labour. / With penitent heart and great love for Christ / thou worked with missionary zeal for the Lord. / Wherefore we cry to thee: / beseech the Lord that our labours may be blessed and that our souls may be saved.
Иной тропарь
Blessed one you loved Christ all your life, / and longing to work for Him as a hermit / you struggled by the pools and carrs of Lindsey with good works, prayer and labour. / With a penitent heart and great love for Christ / you worked with missionary zeal for the Lord. / Wherefore we cry to you: / beseech the Lord that our labours may be blessed and that our souls may be saved.
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ДРЕВО - открытая православная энциклопедия: http://drevo.pravbeseda.ru
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