RICHARD BRINSLEY (1751-1816).-Dramatist and orator, _b._ in Dublin, the _s._ of an actor, was _ed._ at Harrow. In 1772 he eloped with Miss Linley, a famous singer, went with her to France, fought two duels, and _m._ her in 1773. S. has a reputation of the highest in two distinct walks, those of the dramatist and the Parliamentary orator. By his three great comedies, _The Rivals_ (1775), _The School for Scandal_ (1777), and _The Critic_ (1779), he raised himself to the first place among the writers of the comedy of manners; and by his speeches, specially those in support of the impeachment of Warren Hastings, he has a position among the greatest of Parliamentary orators. Unfortunately he had little turn for business, and too great a love of pleasure and conviviality, which led to lifelong pecuniary embarrassment, completed by the destruction by fire of Drury Lane Theatre, of which he had become proprietor. As a politician S. supported the Whig party, and held the offices of Under-Sec. for Foreign Affairs, Sec. to the Treasury, and Treasurer of the Navy. He was also confidential adviser to George IV. when Prince of Wales, but like everybody else who had to do with him suffered from the ingratitude of "the first gentleman in Europe." The accounts long prevalent of the poverty and misery of his last years have been shown to be greatly exaggerated, though he was in reduced circumstances. As a dramatist S. shines in the construction of amusing situations, and in a sparkling flow of witty dialogue which never flags. His only other play was _Pizarro_ (1799), a patriotic melodrama. _Lives_ by Walkins (1817), T. Moore (1825), and Mrs. Oliphant (1883).
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Литературная энциклопедия. 2012