WILLIAM ERNEST (1849-1903).-Poet and critic, _b._ at Gloucester, made the acquaintance of Robert Louis Stevenson (_q.v._), and collaborated with him in several dramas, including _Deacon Brodie_, and _Robert Macaire_. He engaged in journalism, and became ed. of _The Magazine of Art_, _The National Observer_, and _The New Review_, compiled _Lyra Heroica_, an anthology of English poetry for boys, and, with Mr. Farmer, ed. a _Dictionary of Slang_. His poems, which include _Hospital Rhymes_, _London Voluntaries_, _The Song of the Sword_, _For England's Sake_, and _Hawthorn and Lavender_, are very unequal in quality, and range from strains of the purest music to an uncouth and unmusical realism of no poetic worth. He wrote with T.F. Henderson a _Life of Burns_, in which the poet is set forth as a "lewd peasant of genius." Complete works, 7 vols., 1908.
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Литературная энциклопедия. 2012