Значение слова WINTHROP в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое WINTHROP

THEODORE (1828-1861).-Novelist, _b._ at New Haven, Conn., descended through his _f._ from Governor W., and through his mother from Jonathan Edwards, _ed._ at Yale, travelled in Great Britain and on the Continent, and far and wide in his own country. After contributing to periodicals short sketches and stories, which attracted little attention, he enlisted in the Federal Army, in 1861, and was killed in the Battle of Great Bethel. His novels, for which he had failed to find a publisher, appeared posthumously-_John Brent_, founded on his experiences in the far West, _Edwin Brothertoft_, a story of the Revolution War, and _Cecil Dreeme_. Other works were _The Canoe and Saddle_, and _Life in the Open Air_. Though somewhat spasmodic and crude, his novels had freshness, originality, and power, and with longer life and greater concentration he might have risen high.

Литературная энциклопедия.