Значение слова WHEWELL в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое WHEWELL

WILLIAM (1794-1866).-Philosopher, theologian and mathematician, _s._ of a joiner at Lancaster, where he was _b._, _ed._ at Camb., where he had a brilliant career. He became Prof. of Mineralogy at Camb. 1828, of Moral Theology 1838, was Master of Trinity from 1841 until his death, and he held the office of Vice-Chancellor of the Univ. in 1843 and 1856. W. was remarkable as the possessor of an encyclopaedic fund of knowledge, perhaps unprecedented, and he was the author of a number of works of great importance on a variety of subjects. Among the chief of these may be mentioned his Bridgewater Treatise on _Astronomy and General Physics considered with Reference to Natural Theology_ (1833), _History of the Inductive Sciences_ (1837), _The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences_ (1840), _Essay on Plurality of Worlds_ (anonymously), _Elements of Morality_ (1845), _History of Moral Philosophy in England_ (1852), and _Platonic Dialogues_. In addition to these he wrote innumerable articles, reviews, and scientific papers. It was as a co-ordinator of knowledge and the researches of others that W. excelled; he was little of an original observer or discoverer. He is described as a large, strong, erect man with a red face and a loud voice, and he was an overwhelming and somewhat arrogant talker.

Литературная энциклопедия.