Значение слова WHATELEY в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое WHATELEY

RICHARD (1787-1863).-Theologian and economist, _s._ of the Rev. Dr. Joseph W., _b._ in London, and _ed._ at a school in Bristol, and at Oxf., where he became a coll. tutor. Taking orders he became Rector of Halesworth, Suffolk. In 1822 he delivered his Bampton lectures on _The Use and Abuse of Party Feeling in Religion_. Three years later he was made Principal of St. Alban's Hall, in 1829 Prof. of Political Economy, and in 1831 Archbishop of Dublin. As head of a coll. and as a prelate W. showed great energy and administrative ability. He was a vigorous, clear-headed personality, somewhat largely endowed with contempt for views with which he was not in sympathy, and with a vein of caustic humour, in the use of which he was not sparing. These qualities made him far from universally popular; but his honesty, fairness, and devotion to duty gained for him general respect. He had no sympathy with the Oxf. movement, was strongly anti-Calvinistic, and somewhat Latitudinarian, so that he was exposed to a good deal of theological odium from opposite quarters. He was a voluminous writer, and among his best known works are his treatises on _Logic_ (1826) and _Rhetoric_ (1828), his _Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte_ (1819), intended as a _reductio ad absurdum_ of Hume's contention that no evidence is sufficient to prove a miracle, _Essays on some Peculiarities of the Christian Religion_ (1825), _Christian Evidences_ (1837), and ed. of Bacon's _Essays_ with valuable notes, and of Paley's _Evidences_.

Литературная энциклопедия.