THOMAS (1686-1740).-Poet, _b._ at Bridekirk Vicarage, Cumberland, and _ed._ at Oxf. became the friend of Joseph Addison (_q.v._), contributed to the _Spectator_ and _Guardian_, and accompanied him when he went to Ireland as sec. to the Lord Lieutenant. His translation of the first book of the _Iliad_ came out at the same time as Pope's, and led to a quarrel between the latter and Addison, Pope imagining that the publication was a plot to interfere with the success of his work. On Addison becoming Sec. of State in 1717 he appointed T. Under-Sec. Among the writings of T. are the well-known ballad, _Colin and Lucy_, _Kensington Gardens_, a poem, and an _Elegy_ on the death of Addison, of which Macaulay says that it "would do honour to the greatest name in our literature." In 1725 he became sec. to the Lords Justices of Ireland, and retained the post until his death.
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Литературная энциклопедия. 2012