Значение слова SHORTHOUSE в Литературной энциклопедии


JOSEPH HENRY (1834-1903).-Novelist, _b._ at Birmingham, where he was a chemical manufacturer. Originally a Quaker, he joined the Church of England. His first, and by far his best book, _John Inglesant_, appeared in 1881, and at once made him famous. Though deficient in its structure as a story, and not appealing to the populace, it fascinates by the charm of its style and the "dim religious light" by which it is suffused, as well as by the striking scenes occasionally depicted. His other novels, _The Little Schoolmaster Mark_, _Sir Percival_, _The Countess Eve_, and _A Teacher of the Violin_, though with some of the same characteristics, had no success comparable to his first. S. also wrote an essay, _The Platonism of Wordsworth_.

Литературная энциклопедия.