Значение слова POLLARD в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое POLLARD

1) ALBERT FREDERICK, F.R.Hist.S. (1869).-Historical writer. _The Jesuits in Poland_ (1892), _England under Protector Somerset_ (1900), _Henry VIII._ (Gougiel Series, 1902), _Life of Thomas Cranmer_ (1904), etc., and has contributed largely to _The Dictionary of National Biography_, and to the _Cambridge Modern History_, and ed. _Political Pamphlets_, _Tudor Tracts_, etc. 2) POLLARD ALFRED WILLIAM (1859).-Bibliographer, etc. _Books about Books_ (1893), _Bibliographica_ (1894-96), _Early Illustrated Books_ (1893), _Italian Book Illustrations_ (1894), etc.; and has ed. _English Miracle Plays_ (1890), Herrick, Chaucer (Globe ed.), etc.

Литературная энциклопедия.