Значение слова HAWKER в Литературной энциклопедии


ROBERT STEPHEN (1804-1875).-Poet and antiquary, _ed._ at Cheltenham and Oxf., became parson of Morwenstow, a smuggling and wrecking community on the Cornish coast, where he exercised a reforming and beneficent, though extremely unconventional, influence until his death, shortly before which he was received into the Roman Catholic Church. He wrote some poems of great originality and charm, _Records of the Western Shore_ (1832-36), and _The Quest of the Sangraal_ (1863) among them, besides short poems, of which perhaps the best known is _Shall Trelawny Die?_ which, based as it is on an old rhyme, deceived both Scott and Macaulay into thinking it an ancient fragment. He also _pub._ a collection of papers, _Footprints of Former Men in Cornwall_ (1870).

Литературная энциклопедия.