Значение слова GROSART в Литературной энциклопедии


ALEXANDER BALLOCH (1827-1899).-Was a minister of the English Presbyterian Church. He wrote Lives of various Puritan divines, ed. their works, and also issued ed., with Lives, of the poems of Michael Bruce (_q.v._) and Robert Fergusson (_q.v._). But his chief service to literature was his reprints, with notes, of rare Elizabethan and Jacobean literature, including _Fuller's Worthies Library_, 39 vols. (1868-76), _Occasional Issues of Unique and Very Rare Books_, 38 vols. 1875-81, _Huth Library_, 33 vols. (1886), Spenser's _Works_, 10 vols., _Daniel's Works_, etc.

Литературная энциклопедия.