Значение слова BLAKE в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое BLAKE

WILLIAM (1757-1827).-Poet and painter, _b._ in London, was from earliest youth a seer of visions and a dreamer of dreams, seeing "Ezekiel sitting under a green bough," and "a tree full of angels at Peckham," and such he remained to the end of his days. His teeming imagination sought expression both in verse and in drawing, and in his 14th year he was apprenticed to James Basire, an eminent engraver, and thereafter studied at the Royal Academy. Among his chief artistic works were illustrations for Young's _Night Thoughts_, Blair's _Grave_, "Spiritual Portraits," and his finest work, "Inventions to the Book of Job," all distinguished by originality and imagination. In literature his _Songs of Innocence_ appeared in 1789, _Songs of Experience_ in 1794. These books were literally made by Blake and his heaven-provided wife; poems and designs alike being engraved on copper by B. and bound by Mrs. B. In like fashion were produced his mystical books, _The Book of Thel_ (1789), _The Marriage of Heaven and Hell_ (1790), _The Gates of Paradise_, _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_, _Europe_, _The Book of Urizen_ (1794), _The Book of Los_ and _The Book of Ahania_ (1795). His last books were _Jerusalem_ and _Milton_. His earlier and shorter pieces, _e.g._ "The Chimney-Sweeper," "Holy Thursday," "The Lamb," "The Sun-flower," "The Tiger," etc., have an exquisite simplicity arising from directness and intensity of feeling-sometimes tender, sometimes sublime-always individual. Latterly he lost himself in clouds of mysticism. A truly pious and loving soul, neglected and misunderstood by the world, but appreciated by an elect few, he led a cheerful and contented life of poverty illumined by visions and celestial inspirations.

Литературная энциклопедия.