Значение слова ШОБЕРЛЬ в Энциклопедии Брокгауза и Ефрона

Что такое ШОБЕРЛЬ

(Фридрих Schoberl) ? английский писатель (1775?1853). Его труды: "A History of the University of Oxford" (1814); "Narrative of Events which occurred in and near Leipzig before, during and subsequently to the Engagements in 1813 and 1814" (1814); "A History of the University of Cambridge" (1815); "An Historical Account of the House of Saxony" (1816); "Picturesque Tour from Senoa to Milan" (1820); "Present State of Christianity and of Missionary Establishments" (1828); "Natural History of Quadrupeds" (1834); "The Public Building of Westminster described" (1835; 2-е изд., 1838); "Prince Albert and the House of Saxony" (1840); "Persecutions of Property" (1844).

Брокгауз и Ефрон. Энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона.