Значение слова PARKER в Литературной энциклопедии

Что такое PARKER

THEODORE (1810-1860).-Theologian, _b._ at Lexington, Massachusetts, _ed._ at Harvard, was an indefatigable student, and made himself master of many languages. In 1837 he was settled at West Roxbury as a Unitarian minister, but the development of his views in a rationalistic direction gradually separated him from the more conservative portion of his co-religionists. He lectured on theological subjects in Boston in 1841, travelled in Europe, and in 1845 settled in Boston, where he lectured to large audiences, and exercised a wide influence. He took a leading part in the anti-slavery crusade, and specially in resisting the Fugitive Slave Act. In 1859 his health, which had never been robust, gave way; he went to Italy in search of restoration, but _d._ at Florence. Although he was a powerful theological and social influence, his writings are not of corresponding importance: it was rather as a speaker that he influenced his countrymen, and he left no contribution to literature of much permanent account, though his _coll._ works fill 14 vols. Among the most outstanding of his writings are _A Discourse of Matters Pertaining to Religion_, and _Sermons for the Times_.

Литературная энциклопедия.